Monday 21 January 2008

Fossil fossicking

Late, but none the worse for it. Last Wednesday (16th) I travelled with my cousin Pete down to Lyme Regis to search for fossils. We took a brief look along the beach at Seaton first, in driving rain and generally grim weather and came away with little to show for it beyond a handful of Rock Pipits 'psit'-ing, some funky waves breaking on the beach and regular chunks of rock falling off the cliffs. We moved on to Lyme, which immediately proved it's superiority - a nice male Black Redstart on the beach in front of us...

We stomped up the beach along with the falling tide, and found an incredible number of ammonites, some clam-type fossils and various other odss & sods, including a rather fine cockle-shell (below). Keep scrolling for some more views of some fossils! Must do that again sometime...

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