One of the birds of the trip pasted below; a legitimate smug feeling of self-satisfaction to the first correct identification! I got to ring that one, but not the Corncrake - c'est la vie!
Good birding, happy Christmas & a jammy New Year to you all...
If I had to stick my neck out, I'd say turnix sylvatica, but there are so many confusing little buttonquails out there, I'll leave it at turnix spp. Sounds like you had a good trip!
Neck safe... had a great trip - will write more after the Christmas break & post some more piccies. Still trying to catch up the sleep I lost though.
Would send you a congratulatory truffle, but it would probably melt before it reached you - you'll have to imagine it instead - plain chocolate + Glenmorangie. Enjoy!
sounds very nice....I dont mind if it melts, I'll scrape it off the envelope!
Andalusian Hemipode!!!Now thats a bird. When I saw your comments about Corncrake, I thought no way...I hoped you hadn't mistaken it as such and released it!
Heh! Corncrake just acting as a red herring, methinks... But AH indeed - a bird I never expected to see in my life, let alone ring. Weird & wonderful world, innit?
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